1.   Two new programs are being developed to help promote responsible sexual behavior.

2.   Some of the state laws concerning sexual behavior are vestiges of a more puritanical time and are rarely, if ever, enforced.

3.   An abstinence-only approach will not reduce teen sexual behavior to zero.

4.   And a manager or co-worker who is crude or displays other unwanted sexual behavior not clearly aimed just at men or just at women may not be covered.

5.   And clearly, all this started with inappropriate sexual behavior.

6.   And in other cases, he added, younger men may simply be failing to heed warnings about the need to avoid risky sexual behavior.

7.   And a number of issues can cause it, says Jim Pfaus, who studies the neurobiology of sexual behavior at Concordia University in Montreal.

8.   And he flatly rejects the notion that the United States can affect change in the sexual behavior of sub-Saharan Africans.

9.   And in mindfulness, he said, lies a basis for relations with others that rejects the sort of sexual behavior that can lead to HIV transmission.

10.   And Owen and Adam stir up trouble with their freewheeling sexual behavior.

a. + behavior >>共 1130
good 7.14%
human 4.01%
bad 3.25%
sexual 3.07%
criminal 2.10%
violent 2.05%
best 1.86%
aggressive 1.73%
risky 1.52%
erratic 1.48%
sexual + n. >>共 445
abuse 14.46%
misconduct 5.69%
relationship 5.18%
situation 4.33%
activity 2.96%
encounter 2.35%
advance 1.73%
behavior 1.72%
contact 1.57%
exploitation 1.57%
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