1.   As is standard, the researchers will obtain permission from an ethics committee at each hospital before examining records and interviewing patients.

2.   Keller said Brown researchers recently obtained other funding from a drug company based on the research they did under the DMH contract.

3.   Privately funded medical researchers now obtain a lot of their data for studies from hospital or physician files.

4.   Researchers have obtained findings from PET scans suggesting that OCD patients have patterns of brain activity that differ from people without mental illness.

5.   Researchers there must obtain a license before they can clone embryos and are prohibited from allowing the embryos to develop beyond their first two weeks.

6.   Some bioethicists and lawyers want legislation requiring researchers to obtain consent before conducting research on any tissues, including those already in storage.

7.   Szapary speculated that ethnicity might explain the discrepancy between findings obtained by researchers in South Asia and the data he collected.

8.   The researchers obtained the cells from embryos that couples had created during fertility treatments and that were going to be discarded.

9.   The U.N. researchers obtained data from published material, surveys conducted in clinics and health department data.

10.   The tests raise the ethical question of how researchers can obtain informed consent from children as they do from adults.

n. + obtain >>共 561
company 5.80%
police 2.82%
group 2.48%
government 2.42%
prosecutor 2.31%
student 1.75%
authority 1.52%
investigator 1.52%
bank 1.41%
woman 1.35%
researcher 0.73%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
obtain 0.12%
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