1.   The student may be given appropriate formulae with the investigation or you may want the student to obtain the formulae from eg books, the tutor or other sources.

2.   The faculty attaches considerable importance to this opportunity for the student to obtain special experience in a chosen area.

3.   The intention is that students can obtain and HNC after one year, an HND after two years and a general degree in EEG after three.

4.   But financial institutions are facing growing criticism over the ease with which college students can obtain credit.

5.   Colleges and universities have responded with educational programs and policies aimed at making it harder for students to obtain quantities of alcoholic beverages.

6.   He said it merely ensures that medical students obtain the best residencies they can.

7.   Most students quickly obtained lawyers after police started asking questions, sources have said.

8.   The Bard Center is one of only three places in the United States where a student can obtain an advanced degree in the decorative arts.

9.   Voters should elect school trustees who are relentlessly committed to ensuring that each student obtains the best education possible.

10.   When students obtain visas to come here for study, it usually is with the provision that immigration be notified if they leave school.

n. + obtain >>共 561
company 5.80%
police 2.82%
group 2.48%
government 2.42%
prosecutor 2.31%
student 1.75%
authority 1.52%
investigator 1.52%
bank 1.41%
woman 1.35%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
obtain 0.17%
每页显示:    共 31