1.   A history of psychiatric disorders also could contribute, some researchers believe.

2.   Having observed organic compounds in meteorites, these researchers believe the seeds of life May have been carried to earth preformed.

3.   One experiment produced crystals of protein molecules that drug company researchers believe could advance the development of antiviral drugs.

4.   Researchers believe that the core is not pure iron, but is mixed with various elements.

5.   Researchers believe that the tendency for diabetes is present at birth.

6.   These researchers believe that mefloquine is safe for people who have no history of neuropsychiatric disorders.

7.   Medical researchers believe they could be close to pinning down the cause of hereditary asthma.

8.   Researchers believe its findings could be of international importance.

9.   Researchers believe the vaccine is a major breakthrough in tackling a form of pneumonia, meningitis and septaecemia, caused by the microorganism streptococcus pneumoniae.

10.   Researchers now believe the phenolic flavonoids, by acting as anti-oxidants, prevent the damaging fat building up in the first place.

n. + believe >>共 628
official 8.24%
police 7.86%
analyst 6.69%
expert 4.89%
people 4.77%
investigator 4.12%
authority 4.01%
scientist 3.11%
observer 2.53%
researcher 1.72%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
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