1.   Even damaging it at all seriously would require patience, cutting torches, and heavy equipment.

2.   Painting by this method I am told requires great patience, and it does indeed take time to achieve such detail.

3.   Painting by this method requires great patience.

4.   This type of medical research requires enormous patience.

5.   Try using a fine sable rigger brush which will make very precise lines, although this does require patience!

6.   The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service.

7.   As with all medical cures, waiting for the ultimate solution requires patience.

8.   At one time, he got involved in some production work, but that required patience.

9.   Baseball requires patience, an appreciation of history, and we are a culture whose attention span goes no farther back than the last witness at the O.J. trial.

v. + patience >>共 116
have 25.57%
lose 21.50%
show 6.38%
test 4.74%
require 4.37%
counsel 3.85%
urge 3.19%
try 2.97%
preach 2.59%
reward 2.37%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
patience 0.43%
每页显示:    共 59