1.   But a real revitalization of democracy will require deeper change.

2.   Evolution requires genetic change, mutation.

3.   Importantly, not all initiatives require behavior change for success, even if the organization as a whole does.

4.   This is especially the case when the action that is proposed requires some change from the usual flow of action.

5.   This species requires frequent change of water.

6.   We may be requiring a change in the culture of the organisation.

7.   All are sealed for life so they do not require oil changes.

8.   To survive those conditions, ICI Fertilizers will, he admits, require fundamental change.

9.   Great chunks of it may require changes in Company policy and I assume that those are being investigated in the same way as we have been asked to comment.

10.   Analysts say it would be politically difficult for the commission to require changes in agreements that have already begun.

v. + change >>共 560
make 20.65%
see 2.54%
expect 2.31%
bring 2.10%
announce 1.95%
need 1.94%
undergo 1.69%
force 1.64%
want 1.62%
reflect 1.55%
require 1.04%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
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