1.   Eventually his family lost patience with him and his irresponsible behaviour.

2.   Fairfax, who was wearing his army uniform, soon lost patience.

3.   Finally the interrogators must have lost their patience, or perhaps it was just the heat of the vodka.

4.   He was losing patience, getting ready to bully me... and Amy was waking up.

5.   He was wet, cold and irritable and he was already losing patience with this case.

6.   Keith Jackson was starting to lose patience.

7.   Off it, he continues to lose patience with reporters.

8.   If I lose my patience,

v. + patience >>共 116
have 25.57%
lose 21.50%
show 6.38%
test 4.74%
require 4.37%
counsel 3.85%
urge 3.19%
try 2.97%
preach 2.59%
reward 2.37%
lose + n. >>共 773
job 6.42%
money 4.88%
control 3.64%
game 2.65%
ground 2.64%
weight 2.04%
power 1.18%
interest 1.16%
sight 0.99%
confidence 0.99%
patience 0.67%
每页显示:    共 288