1.   Add remaining cheese, shallots, and garlic on top.

2.   Add tomato slices, and top with remaining cheese.

3.   Add olives and remaining cheese, and stir until any remaining liquid cooks off.

4.   Add the dressing, toss gently and top with the remaining cheese.

5.   Add thyme, season with salt and pepper and serve, garnished with remaining grated cheese.

6.   Add remaining bread cubes and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

7.   Add remaining cheese, then remove from heat and stir.

8.   Cover with another layer of bread slices cut to fit, then layer with remaining cheese, salsa, chicken and black beans.

9.   Cover with remaining bread cut to fit and top with remaining cheese.

10.   Cover with the remaining cheese.

a. + cheese >>共 361
grated 11.37%
remaining 4.83%
soft 4.01%
grilled 3.52%
shredded 3.27%
hard 2.70%
melted 2.29%
local 1.72%
white 1.72%
big 1.64%
remaining + n. >>共 1114
ingredient 2.70%
hostage 1.85%
share 1.83%
game 1.71%
seat 1.29%
member 1.14%
issue 1.01%
oil 1.00%
butter 0.85%
difference 0.80%
cheese 0.49%
每页显示:    共 59