1.   A consequence of breaking new ground is that received wisdom becomes a poor guide.

2.   His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom.

3.   The received wisdom is that he will retire within the next year.

4.   There May be, too, a sottovoce challenge to the received wisdom that it is people who cause desertification.

5.   This is what received wisdom says.

6.   He was among the first to question the received wisdom of the time.

7.   What was radical thinking in times past has become received wisdom today.

8.   They became part of received wisdom, and to some extent, they remain so.

9.   A crackling courtroom drama, in a military setting, cuts through the fog of racism and received wisdom.

a. + wisdom >>共 299
conventional 55.75%
common 3.80%
prevailing 2.66%
accepted 2.39%
political 2.17%
popular 1.74%
received 1.63%
folk 1.19%
traditional 1.03%
collective 0.98%
received + n. >>共 198
wisdom 8.22%
treatment 3.29%
word 2.19%
care 1.64%
opinion 1.64%
one 1.64%
death 1.64%
permission 1.37%
advance 1.37%
approval 1.37%
每页显示:    共 30