1.   But the prevailing wisdom in the industry is that the Market is doubling each year as the Internet continues its explosive growth.

2.   The prevailing wisdom is that tight labor Markets and higher wages finally will start driving up prices.

3.   The prevailing wisdom was that mortgages were not for Wall Street.

4.   I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.

5.   And though no one will admit it, the prevailing wisdom is that women are stupid and narcissistic, desiring only mindless escapism.

6.   As you said, that is no longer the prevailing wisdom.

7.   A new study indicates that, contrary to prevailing wisdom, children are often as baffled by technology as adults.

8.   But for years, the prevailing wisdom on Davis was that his first name summed up his personality.

9.   But it ought to matter -- just a teeny bit -- that the culture prospered, and did so despite the prevailing wisdom that conglomerates were too unwieldy.

a. + wisdom >>共 299
conventional 55.75%
common 3.80%
prevailing 2.66%
accepted 2.39%
political 2.17%
popular 1.74%
received 1.63%
folk 1.19%
traditional 1.03%
collective 0.98%
prevailing + n. >>共 291
wind 9.55%
view 8.20%
wage 4.95%
wisdom 4.41%
mood 3.42%
sentiment 3.33%
attitude 3.24%
theory 3.06%
opinion 2.25%
rate 1.89%
每页显示:    共 49