conventional wisdom 67.68   And give conventional wisdom a toss.
  common wisdom 4.61   That common wisdom is wrong.
  prevailing wisdom 3.23   The prevailing wisdom?
  accepted wisdom 2.90   The accepted wisdom is wrong.
  political wisdom 2.63   Whither conventional political wisdom?
  popular wisdom 2.11   So much for popular wisdom.
  received wisdom 1.97   This is what received wisdom says.
  folk wisdom 1.45   Like most folk wisdom it is true, I think.
  traditional wisdom 1.25   Mrs Thatcher herself is seen as the guardian of these traditional wisdoms.
  collective wisdom 1.18   The Yankees have some collective wisdom.
  economic wisdom 0.86   What turned the world around was a reversal of the usual economic wisdom.
  current wisdom 0.79   Will wrap in current wisdom on prospects for legal reforms.
  infinite wisdom 0.79   The board, in its infinite wisdom, has Decided to give Waters back his job.
  great wisdom 0.72   We have no great wisdom.
  medical wisdom 0.72   Not exactly the stuff of medical folk wisdom.
  ancient wisdom 0.66   Our ancient wisdom is stirred to speech.
  homespun wisdom 0.66   He also was fond of giving children silver dollars along with his homespun wisdom.
  accumulated wisdom 0.59   He showed us his accumulated wisdom, his smarts, his competitive nature.
  practical wisdom 0.53   She is also a font of practical wisdom.
  local wisdom 0.39   According to local wisdom, if the small guys fall, the end is near.
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