1.   Social sciences are poised for a revival in schools but will there be enough qualified staff to teach the subjects?

2.   Service Sector -- For professional firms in the service sector a typical resource constraint is the lack of the necessary professionally qualified staff needed to meet client demand.

3.   As the main public sector recruiter of qualified staff, the NHS faced particular difficulties.

4.   If the authority can show that a lack of sufficiently qualified staff is due to overall financial problems, then an action would be unlikely to succeed.

5.   And during a crisis, it would be difficult to find qualified supplementary staff to scale up operations.

6.   As executive director, he was responsible for hiring qualified staff members.

7.   Backed by corporate foundations instead of federal dollars, nonprofit agencies are mushrooming and the demand for qualified staff to run them is exploding.

8.   But where the government thinks the teachers will come from is a big question, given the shortage of qualified staff in the government schools themselves.

9.   Complaints against Arizona nursing homes are on the rise, apparently spurred by a double whammy of low government reimbursement rates and a shortage of qualified staff.

10.   Many advocates have argued, however, that the reforms do not provide sufficient funds to hire, train and retain a qualified staff in care facilities.

a. + staff >>共 1114
coaching 14.31%
pitching 5.98%
medical 5.58%
senior 2.75%
new 2.38%
sales 1.88%
local 1.43%
skeleton 1.43%
entire 1.33%
congressional 1.32%
qualified 0.32%
qualified + n. >>共 401
teacher 6.17%
worker 5.13%
candidate 4.87%
people 4.35%
applicant 3.12%
support 2.79%
majority 1.75%
personnel 1.75%
staff 1.75%
yes 1.62%
每页显示:    共 27