1.   His principal objective was to clear his name of the suspicion attached to it.

2.   Its principal objectives include the promotion of health and safety, the protection of the environment and the establishment of quality standards.

3.   The principal objective of the Bank of England in restructuring the gilt-edged market was to minimize the cost of raising debt finance for the Government.

4.   The principal objectives of EC policy were to provide aid to areas of industrial decline or slow development with a simple criterion for aid eligibility.

5.   The principal objective of the new scheme, which does not apply to Legal Aid cases, is to encourage settlement of costs at an early stage.

6.   A principal objective of the strategy is to act as a bidding document for the next tranche of European Structural Funds.

7.   After all, Bush claims to support the principal objectives, but wants to offer his own solutions.

8.   But whiteness, he notes, is also an instrument through which to achieve his principal objectives of light and space.

9.   He has made the parceling out, or devolution, of authority to the regions of Britain a principal objective of his two-year-old government.

10.   The consortium has generated a draft genome sequence that can be searched for human genes, a principal objective of the human genome project.

a. + objective >>共 321
main 11.71%
primary 4.66%
key 3.33%
political 3.26%
military 3.13%
ultimate 2.33%
prime 2.33%
major 2.33%
clear 2.33%
same 2.00%
principal 1.20%
principal + n. >>共 822
owner 3.75%
payment 2.00%
source 1.94%
reason 1.78%
character 1.50%
investigator 1.38%
guest 1.31%
cause 1.22%
dancer 1.22%
author 1.10%
objective 0.56%
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