1.   Savas was principal author of the early drafts of the National Urban Policy Report.

2.   And what of the man who is often characterized as the father of the modern computer revolution, and thus a principal author of the crisis?

3.   As principal author of the U.S. Constitution, Madison was as adamant as Jefferson about the Establishment clause.

4.   Attorney David Baron, the principal author of the initiative, argued that it was worthwhile taking so much time for feedback on a complex issue.

5.   A Florida Republican and one of the principal authors of the bill.

6.   But as the principal author of amendments to the original law, Brownstein strove to extend these benefits to blacks and other minority groups.

7.   Claudio is the principal author of the report.

8.   Fields, a principal author of the telecommunications bill, said he was still opposed to provisions that regulate the actual content of material carried over computer networks.

9.   He is the principal author of a report on the research being published next Monday in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

10.   It turns out that Vince Gilligan, a principal author of these bleak fantasies, is a funny guy.

a. + author >>共 511
best-selling 7.32%
british 4.88%
lead 4.53%
feminist 2.74%
american 2.39%
principal 1.74%
well-known 1.69%
famous 1.69%
prolific 1.64%
first 1.54%
principal + n. >>共 822
owner 3.75%
payment 2.00%
source 1.94%
reason 1.78%
character 1.50%
investigator 1.38%
guest 1.31%
cause 1.22%
dancer 1.22%
author 1.10%
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