1.   I mentioned the primary objective of reducing the number of road casualties.

2.   In each case the primary objective has been to increase both earnings and productivity.

3.   Keep performance results the primary objective of behavior and skill change.

4.   Our primary objective is to collect, organize and disseminate information and materials relating to academic library orientation and instruction.

5.   Performance is the primary objective of design changes.

6.   Take, for example, the principle of keeping performance results as the primary objective of behavior and skill change.

7.   The primary objective of training is to improve performance.

8.   Their primary objective is to make money.

9.   We also object to flagrant waste, particularly of resources devoted to attaining our primary objectives.

10.   The primary objective of fundamental analysis is to find the fair price of a share.

a. + objective >>共 321
main 11.71%
primary 4.66%
key 3.33%
political 3.26%
military 3.13%
ultimate 2.33%
prime 2.33%
major 2.33%
clear 2.33%
same 2.00%
primary + n. >>共 1157
reason 3.14%
source 2.92%
season 2.62%
concern 2.42%
goal 2.41%
campaign 2.20%
responsibility 2.07%
state 1.93%
focus 1.66%
voter 1.47%
objective 0.95%
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