1.   Having said this, however, we have noted earlier the difficulties inherent in trying to mount preventive strategies.

2.   Some preventive strategies and vaccines are not used because of a perceived lack of cost-effectiveness.

3.   Too little is done to implement existing preventive knowledge or to develop preventive strategies known to be effective.

4.   An effective preventive strategy which challenged these interests would seriously disrupt or impose great costs on capitalist producers.

5.   Two sets of findings in particular suggest preventive strategies that could considerably reduce the prevalence of acute psychotic episodes.

6.   Generally, women with early cancers and the highest-risk mutations stand to gain the most from preventive strategies.

7.   The aim of this gene-based research, he said, is to come up with preventive strategies rather than just new treatments.

8.   Though the United States can generally afford such preventive strategies, there are still substantial gaps.

a. + strategy >>共 1379
new 8.71%
marketing 4.26%
different 2.17%
long-term 2.10%
military 1.92%
such 1.88%
same 1.84%
political 1.78%
similar 1.42%
best 1.29%
preventive 0.15%
preventive + n. >>共 117
measure 28.85%
care 8.33%
medicine 7.40%
security 6.46%
diplomacy 3.54%
treatment 3.44%
service 3.23%
maintenance 3.23%
action 2.81%
health 2.29%
strategy 1.15%
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