1.   Much of the routine preventive maintenance is done by the operators who use the machines.

2.   An hour or two of preventive maintenance at the beginning of the season can save heartaches and possible repair bills later on.

3.   A little preventive maintenance can keep your asphalt driveway structurally sound and looking good.

4.   A regular sponging of the refrigerator with baking soda dissolved in water is good preventive maintenance, but there comes a time when the appliance needs a major cleanup.

5.   A time for preventive maintenance, not revolution.

6.   But should I perform any preventive maintenance or other diagnostics?

7.   But the list should also include large preventive maintenance projects, like a new roof or new and more efficient storm windows.

8.   Care and preventive maintenance will keep the unit running efficiently and prevent malfunctions.

9.   Daddy went on with his lecture on the benefits of periodic preventive maintenance.

10.   Employees who had departed said the changes had not affected safety and the public would probably not notice, although it often meant postponing preventive maintenance.

a. + maintenance >>共 357
routine 11.25%
poor 8.98%
regular 4.15%
building 3.17%
low 2.72%
scheduled 2.57%
preventive 2.34%
annual 2.04%
proper 2.04%
seasonal 1.96%
preventive + n. >>共 117
measure 28.85%
care 8.33%
medicine 7.40%
security 6.46%
diplomacy 3.54%
treatment 3.44%
service 3.23%
maintenance 3.23%
action 2.81%
health 2.29%
每页显示:    共 31