preventive measure 18.24   --Take preventive measures.
  preventive care 5.27   Few Russians seek preventive care.
  preventive medicine 4.67   And most of it would be preventive medicine.
  preventive security 4.08   Preventive security officials said they were looking into the matter.
  preventive diplomacy 2.24   It involves preventive diplomacy.
  preventive treatment 2.17   Where can my child get preventive treatment?
  preventive maintenance 2.04   Preventive maintenance never hurts.
  preventive service 2.04   But the report was limited to comparing use of six preventive services.
  preventive action 1.78   But the EPA did not propose any preventive action.
  preventive health 1.45   Could that money have been used on preventive health for a greater number of patients?
  preventive antibiotic 1.38   This includes prescribing preventive antibiotics to kill bacteria.
  preventive custody 0.92   If he does not pay, he could be jailed in preventive custody.
  preventive step 0.79   The ban was considered a preventive step.
  preventive program 0.72   -- Anti-crime measures, including preventive social programs.
  preventive strategy 0.72   Some preventive strategies and vaccines are not used because of a perceived lack of cost-effectiveness.
  preventive effort 0.66   The report called for greater preventive efforts.
  preventive work 0.66   General preventive work is equally important.
  preventive arrest 0.59   Hundreds of preventive arrests were made.
  preventive medication 0.59   Ruebush emphasized that preventive medication is only one measure.
  preventive strike 0.53   Its discovery might prompt the United States to believe it could carry out a preventive strike against us.
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