1.   Attorneys and financial planners say the first step for a business owner is to prepare a will.

2.   A person who helps prepare a will could be called to testify at a civil or criminal trial.

3.   Forget transfer on death and have a will prepared covering all your assets.

4.   Have you ever prepared a will?

5.   Preparing a will is one of those unpleasant but necessary tasks that come with adulthood and the creeping realization that we should straighten up and act more responsibly.

6.   Preparing a will might include choosing cremation and leaving instructions for handling the ashes.

7.   She hired a lawyer to prepare a will.

8.   Some patients prepared their wills before arriving.

9.   So Earl feels new urgency to have a will prepared.

10.   That means many of us are not preparing wills or doing the other things that smooth the way for our heirs.

v. + will >>共 348
have 10.48%
impose 8.79%
update 4.47%
lose 2.93%
lack 2.71%
reflect 2.64%
write 1.98%
leave 1.68%
break 1.68%
make 1.61%
prepare 1.03%
prepare + n. >>共 1260
report 5.22%
meal 2.91%
food 2.51%
case 2.44%
ground 2.05%
plan 1.89%
student 1.84%
attack 1.70%
statement 1.49%
defense 1.31%
will 0.25%
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