1.   Competition for employees will increase and clearly many major industries are preparing their plans to ensure that they remain competitive.

2.   He is currently preparing a plan to unlock more working capital by the New Year.

3.   Plans have been prepared by a local architect for a clubhouse, traditional pavilion and all-weather nets.

4.   Then they had a draughtsman prepare the plans and sub-contracted the building.

5.   Butterfly protection is being pioneered by a Council of Europe expert group, which is preparing recovery plans for rare species.

6.   Other companies are preparing plans for the disposal of oil and toxic waste.

7.   Any other person would have to prepare plans, construct prototypes and conduct tests.

8.   Members of the public would not need to prepare plans, construct prototypes or conduct tests.

v. + plan >>共 563
have 17.42%
announce 10.06%
make 3.42%
approve 3.42%
discuss 2.84%
reject 1.79%
oppose 1.69%
cancel 1.65%
accept 1.43%
abandon 1.36%
prepare 0.38%
prepare + n. >>共 1260
report 5.22%
meal 2.91%
food 2.51%
case 2.44%
ground 2.05%
plan 1.89%
student 1.84%
attack 1.70%
statement 1.49%
defense 1.31%
每页显示:    共 107