1.   And they should be demanding that the rich world reduce barriers to imports from poor countries by proceeding with further trade liberalization.

2.   But many poor countries lack even basic information about existing education and health programmes.

3.   Campaigners argue that poor countries faced with a health emergency have a right under international trade legislation to buy generic drugs.

4.   For one thing poor countries produce similar commodities, and encouraging them to increase their exports has flooded the Market.

5.   Global warming will deeply affect poor countries, leading to huge numbers of refugees, crop failures, and extreme weather.

6.   If poor countries want to compete, they must practically give their goods away.

7.   In poor countries, however, incomes did not rise as death rates began to fall.

8.   In the end, however, these drugs pose logistical difficulties for most poor countries because it is a high-maintenance therapy.

9.   In this very poor country, private school fees are beyond the means of much of the population.

a. + country >>共 454
the 15.05%
european 5.86%
arab 4.04%
asian 3.56%
african 3.24%
neighboring 2.51%
foreign 2.50%
western 2.42%
poor 1.82%
communist 1.59%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
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