1.   Drain in strainer and immediately plunge beans into ice water.

2.   After draining, he plunges the beans into a bowl of water and ice to stop the cooking.

3.   Drain and plunge the beans into ice water to cool.

4.   Immediately plunge the beans into the ice water.

5.   Immediately plunge the beans into ice water to stop the cooking.

v. + bean >>共 201
spill 7.83%
drain 4.87%
add 4.73%
use 3.25%
cover 3.25%
eat 3.10%
soak 2.81%
cook 2.66%
place 2.36%
sell 2.22%
plunge 0.74%
plunge + n. >>共 229
country 20.36%
nation 4.72%
knife 3.58%
hand 3.09%
price 2.61%
city 2.44%
region 2.44%
government 1.95%
economy 1.79%
company 1.63%
bean 0.81%
每页显示:    共 5