1.   Canadian stocks are expected to open mixed, with gains in financial institutions like Bank of Nova Scotia offset by declines in gold producers on plunging bullion prices.

2.   In retrospect, it appears that growth was enhanced by technological change and aided by plunging commodity prices that reflected weakness abroad.

3.   Incredible as it seems, he was genuinely angry over plunging gas prices.

4.   So the only element being lost is the extra bit of help that the CPI got last year from plunging oil prices.

5.   The announcement prompted several analysts to downgrade the stock, leading to widespread sell-off and plunge stock price.

6.   The breach is being attributed to weak sales and plunging prices for capacity on its network.

7.   The financial turmoil has been greatest in Venezuela, where plunging oil prices have worsened a chronic budget deficit and raised fears of a currency devaluation.

8.   Profits at Japanese chipmakers have been hurt by plunging semiconductor prices amid the global slump in demand for computers and other electronics equipment.

9.   Earlier Tuesday in Moscow, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko admitted the government is worried by plunging oil prices.

10.   In the meantime, energy companies were further discouraged by plunging petroleum prices.

v. + price >>共 557
raise 9.99%
pay 7.30%
cut 3.75%
push 3.50%
lower 3.31%
boost 3.16%
send 2.02%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.86%
set 1.83%
plunge 0.09%
plunge + n. >>共 229
country 20.36%
nation 4.72%
knife 3.58%
hand 3.09%
price 2.61%
city 2.44%
region 2.44%
government 1.95%
economy 1.79%
company 1.63%
每页显示:    共 16