1.   After snapping a few pictures, I installed the Kodak software, plugged the camera into a USB port, and turned it on.

2.   All you have to do is plug the camera into the printer.

3.   Each individual take can be viewed by simply plugging the camera into a television, and editing is done on a home computer.

4.   Just plugging your camera into a computer equipped with Windows XP or Mac OS X triggers the photo-transfer process.

5.   Once the card is installed, all that remains is to plug the camera into it and the microphone.

6.   The crew simply plugs the camera into the videophone and dials a number, the same way one would dial a cell phone number.

7.   Until recently, plugging a camera into a computer and broadcasting images of yourself to the world was something only geeks did.

8.   When a recent-model digital camera is plugged into a Mac, iPhoto opens automatically and organizes the photos onscreen.

v. + camera >>共 397
use 8.63%
install 5.45%
have 4.31%
allow 4.14%
turn 2.75%
take 2.70%
ban 2.18%
put 1.83%
face 1.79%
bar 1.74%
plug 0.35%
plug + n. >>共 209
hole 18.07%
gap 9.19%
leak 7.63%
loophole 4.21%
ear 2.02%
book 1.87%
well 1.71%
device 1.71%
line 1.40%
computer 1.40%
camera 1.25%
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