1.   Banks are installing surveillance cameras to prevent robberies.

2.   Cameras have been installed on almost every street corner.

3.   I applaud the Decision of my local council to install cameras around the centre.

4.   Installing cameras at dangerous road Junctions to film those who drive through red traffic lights.

5.   Liberty is proposing regulations, including a rule requiring anyone installing cameras to supply the authorities with valid reasons for doing so.

6.   Security cameras have been installed in the city centre.

7.   The security camera was installed to deter people from stealing.

8.   The store has installed hidden cameras to catch shoplifters.

9.   Video surveillance cameras have been installed as a security measure.

10.   Security cameras have been installed to guard against poachers.

v. + camera >>共 397
use 8.63%
install 5.45%
have 4.31%
allow 4.14%
turn 2.75%
take 2.70%
ban 2.18%
put 1.83%
face 1.79%
bar 1.74%
install + n. >>共 997
system 5.45%
software 4.43%
equipment 4.18%
camera 2.90%
device 2.13%
program 2.04%
line 1.65%
detector 1.37%
government 1.35%
technology 1.18%
每页显示:    共 124