plug hole 7.64   Plug all holes in the shed.
  plug gap 3.88   Insurance companies aim to plug the gap.
  plug leak 3.23   The leak was later plugged.
  plug loophole 1.78   The Senate version plugs the loophole.
  plug ear 0.86   But Minnesota plugged its ears.
  plug book 0.79   He got to plug his books.
  plug device 0.72   Plug the device into any wall outlet.
  plug well 0.72   The next day the well was plugged.
  plug computer 0.59   Even when the computer is plugged into the wall, it drives me up the wall.
  plug line 0.59   Plugging her line of clothing.
  plug camera 0.53   All you have to do is plug the camera into the printer.
  plug loss 0.46   There has been persistent market talk that Olivetti will sell new shares to plug its losses.
  plug breach 0.39   In the north of the country, the army had to plug several breaches in dikes.
  plug cable 0.33   Rory plugged the cable back into the socket.
  plug deficit 0.33   What is to be done to plug the deficit?
  plug end 0.33   Plug the end into an electrical outlet.
  plug headphone 0.33   Headphones can be plugged into the front of the speaker.
  plug opening 0.33   Plug those openings with a wet rag.
  plug phone 0.33   They can plug regular phones into existing phone jacks.
  plug product 0.33   U.S. executives want Clinton to plug their products.
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