1.   It advocated more rigorous standards for planning future projects.

2.   Often projects are planned with an overall budget, not broken down into component pieces.

3.   Others found themselves struggling to plan development projects.

4.   A select committee was formed to plan the project.

5.   Planning the project requires careful cost estimation.

6.   How are projects planned and monitored?

7.   It is not too early to be planning a project as complex and elaborate as this one.

8.   Where organisations have a research need Henley works closely with the client to define and plan the project.

9.   The project is being planned by the Nimba International Mining Company, a consortium of French, Japanese and US companies.

10.   Argentina is planning pipeline projects to Brazil, Uruguay and Chile, which will allow YPF to sell its gas reserves.

v. + project >>共 905
finance 5.75%
complete 3.56%
fund 3.30%
approve 2.59%
support 2.10%
discuss 1.98%
delay 1.88%
develop 1.75%
launch 1.75%
have 1.55%
plan 1.05%
plan + n. >>共 714
attack 5.72%
trip 3.77%
meeting 3.69%
demonstration 2.23%
protest 2.18%
talk 1.74%
service 1.71%
rally 1.61%
action 1.48%
visit 1.39%
project 0.77%
每页显示:    共 82