1.   A Decision on whether to fund the project will be made next spring, as commissioners revise long-term plans.

2.   However, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted to fund the project.

3.   The contracts will guarantee that specific maintenance and construction projects will be funded if a local bond measure passes.

4.   The government is eager to attract foreign investment to fund building projects.

5.   The research project will be funded by the Medical Research Council.

6.   This would be on a charitable basis and any cash surplus would be made available to fund research projects.

7.   We expect good results soon, if the board can see its way clear to continuing funding the project.

8.   We are trying to get more money out of the government to help fund our project.

9.   The project is funded by Wellcome plc.

v. + project >>共 905
finance 5.75%
complete 3.56%
fund 3.30%
approve 2.59%
support 2.10%
discuss 1.98%
delay 1.88%
develop 1.75%
launch 1.75%
have 1.55%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
purchase 3.67%
operation 1.97%
activity 1.87%
campaign 1.74%
construction 1.47%
effort 1.31%
每页显示:    共 256