1.   Place chops in a shallow dish and pour marinade over the chops.

2.   Place chops on a platter, cover with foil, and allow to rest while eggplant cooks.

3.   Place lamb chops and marinade in a plastic bag.

4.   Place the chops in the flour mixture and turn them until coated on both sides.

5.   Place chops in a large, resealable plastic bag and pour in marinade.

6.   Place the chops on serving plates and top each with a couple spoonfuls of the apple compote.

7.   Place the chops over the coals and cover.

8.   Place chops in hot skillet and cook, turning occasionally, until evenly browned and just done.

9.   Place the chops on a baking sheet and place in the broiler.

10.   Place the chops on a serving platter and hold them in a warm oven.

v. + chops >>共 69
lick 20.30%
bust 6.09%
have 6.09%
remove 6.09%
place 5.58%
serve 4.57%
add 3.05%
transfer 3.05%
cook 2.54%
coat 2.03%
place + n. >>共 1240
order 3.61%
emphasis 3.23%
bet 2.07%
bomb 1.74%
call 1.63%
restriction 1.61%
child 1.50%
ad 1.45%
blame 1.39%
limit 1.29%
chops 0.08%
每页显示:    共 11