1.   The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation has claimed as a major success its programme for integrated pest management in rice.

2.   Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands are encouraging a switch to crop rotation, integrated pest management, or steam-based soil sterilization.

3.   In the UK, major supermarket chains including Sainsbury and Tesco have produced codes of practice encouraging suppliers to adopt integrated pest management.

4.   DowElanco provides pest management and biotechnology products for crops while Mycogen has focused on developing products such as insect resistant corn plants.

5.   He says this is part of integrated pest management.

6.   His efforts led to a wider role for entomology and the science of integrated pest management and to higher educational standards for his department.

7.   Isolation chambers are designed for pest management.

8.   Look for organic apples and those from crops grown utilizing integrated pest management.

9.   Mired in compost, knee-deep in axial symmetry and preoccupied by integrated pest management, gardeners have tended to be a sober bunch.

10.   Rodney Sams, an agricultural consultant who specializes in pest management, says farmers are using fewer chemicals in one area because the bats are keeping bugs under control.

n. + management >>共 652
asset 6.08%
risk 4.22%
money 4.07%
team 3.63%
project 2.29%
fund 2.21%
hotel 2.21%
company 1.91%
business 1.80%
water 1.70%
pest 0.46%
pest + n. >>共 74
control 23.36%
company 9.02%
management 7.38%
infestation 4.10%
problem 3.69%
expert 2.87%
attack 2.46%
business 2.46%
technician 2.46%
exterminator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 18