1.   The hotel management advises guests to deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.

2.   ...a higher diploma in hotel management.

3.   The hotel management promised to rectify the problem.

4.   Security problems at hotels resulting in loss of property or injuries to guests is bad for business and time-consuming for the hotel management and staff.

5.   The Verified Access option allows hotel management to control perimeter access and secure entrances to all guest service facilities and back of the house areas.

6.   Any fears we had that the hotel management was on to us evaporated when we went down to dinner.

7.   Ask the hotel management how it cleans and maintains its whirlpools and hot tubs.

8.   Before using a hotel whirlpool bath or hot tub, ask the hotel management how it cleans and maintains its facilities.

9.   AAA inspectors discuss their findings with hotel management immediately after the tour.

10.   After having been a buzzword for a decade or so, eco-tourism and environmentally aware resort and hotel management are beginning to achieve a broader reach.

n. + management >>共 652
asset 6.08%
risk 4.22%
money 4.07%
team 3.63%
project 2.29%
fund 2.21%
hotel 2.21%
company 1.91%
business 1.80%
water 1.70%
hotel + n. >>共 691
room 28.59%
lobby 3.62%
chain 3.46%
suite 2.72%
manager 2.35%
guest 2.12%
industry 2.00%
owner 1.88%
employee 1.66%
company 1.63%
management 1.14%
每页显示:    共 87