1.   Slice the ginger paper-thin and scatter it, along with the onion slices, over the fish.

2.   Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.

3.   Also try them splashed with balsamic vinegar and heated with sauteed onion slices alongside grilled chicken breasts.

4.   Arrange chicken, orange sections and onion slices on top of lettuce.

5.   Arrange onion slices evenly over meat.

6.   A counterman made a tunafish salad sandwich with hard-boiled eggs, onion slices, inferior tomatoes and a baguette.

7.   Add onion slices and stir until they are well-coated.

8.   Add onion slices and toss again.

9.   Add salt and serve garnished with onion slices, shredded chilies and garam masala.

10.   Brush the onion slices with the remaining basil oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

n. + slice >>共 149
bread 9.47%
lemon 7.32%
tomato 5.60%
onion 5.60%
apple 5.45%
potato 4.45%
cucumber 4.30%
baguette 3.30%
pineapple 3.01%
banana 2.87%
onion + n. >>共 140
ring 13.72%
mixture 11.64%
slice 8.11%
soup 3.95%
powder 3.74%
sauce 2.70%
dip 2.29%
dome 2.29%
flavor 2.29%
skin 2.08%
每页显示:    共 39