1.   His hope, he said, is that town officials will alter the shape of the course if more tracks are found.

2.   In neither case was the final title result altered by officials.

3.   State officials altered a videotape and planted weapons to make the massacre look like a shoot-out instigated by peasants, he said.

4.   Racing was due to finish last Saturday, but officials altered the race schedule to give AmericaOne time to make repairs after a collision with Stars and Stripes.

5.   If world track officials alter the Olympic schedule to benefit Michael Johnson, they should do the same for Carl Lewis.

6.   Maier lost control shortly before that Alpen jump, which officials altered minutes before the race because they feared the high winds would make the area unsafe.

7.   Olympic officials altered conditions for the event and provided special cooling stations throughout the venue and endurance course.

8.   Racing was due to end last Saturday, but officials altered the race schedule to give AmericaOne time to make repairs after a collision with Stars and Stripes.

9.   School officials also altered the class schedule to eliminate free periods and end the school day sooner.

10.   Since then, administration officials have altered their claims.

n. + alter >>共 498
change 3.51%
company 2.42%
government 1.57%
people 1.33%
official 1.33%
attack 1.21%
technology 0.97%
law 0.97%
president 0.97%
proposal 0.85%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
alter 0%
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