1.   This proposal will significantly alter UK data protection law.

2.   Does your proposal alter or eliminate other preferences?

3.   Gray also defended the recent spate of initiatives, saying that in each case the Weld proposal significantly altered -- for the better -- the bills filed by Democrats.

4.   One proposal would alter the tax treatment for the cost of exploring for and developing oil and gas reserves.

5.   Rep. Bill Thomas says his campaign finance reform proposal will fundamentally alter the way candidates fund their races.

6.   The new proposal would alter the Constitution so that states could offer amendments and two-thirds of state legislatures would have to agree.

7.   The proposal would alter how the manager was paid as the fund grew larger.

n. + alter >>共 498
change 3.51%
company 2.42%
government 1.57%
people 1.33%
official 1.33%
attack 1.21%
technology 0.97%
law 0.97%
president 0.97%
proposal 0.85%
proposal + v. >>共 741
be 24.64%
have 3.88%
include 3.54%
call 3.13%
come 2.67%
go 2.34%
allow 2.13%
require 1.99%
draw 1.54%
give 1.37%
alter 0.10%
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