change alter 1.91   Does a change in administration alter the dining scene?
  company alter 1.32   Dinner denied reports the company would alter its strategy at Rover.
  government alter 0.86   Their fears that the government would alter the rules have been well-founded.
  official alter 0.72   Since then, administration officials have altered their claims.
  people alter 0.72   Both are constant factors causing people to alter how they live.
  attack alter 0.66   The attack has altered her view of her own country.
  law alter 0.53   Levy, the drug-development expert, says the Bayh-Dole law has altered that equation.
  president alter 0.53   Only the president can alter the ruling.
  technology alter 0.53   In many ways, technology has altered the way we view entertainment.
  proposal alter 0.46   Does your proposal alter or eliminate other preferences?
  scientist alter 0.46   Scientists altered his genes before he was born.
  bill alter 0.39   The bill thus alters the versions passed by the House and Senate.
  originator alter 0.39   The originator can no longer alter the contents of the DC.
  side alter 0.39   Neither side has altered its fundamental position.
  bombing alter 0.33   Bush said the bombing would not alter his travel plans.
  expression alter 0.33   His expression did not alter.
  finding alter 0.33   That finding could alter basic physics paradigms.
  human alter 0.33   They inhabit a world heavily altered by humans.
  plan alter 0.33   The plan will alter traffic patterns in the area.
  activity alter 0.26   All this testifies to the difficulty of restoring natural processes once human activity has drastically altered them.
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