1.   It was several times worse than the worst case the computer models had predicted.

2.   It will be seen that the second view and the proposed model are mutually supportive, since the model can predict effects of cultural factors corresponding to observed results.

3.   Most convection models predict that convection cells have similar horizontal and vertical dimensions, although arguments have been presented against this idea.

4.   It is indeed interesting to note that the highest passive margins also seem to be those characterized by rift-related volcanism, just as the model predicts.

5.   Such detachment models predict that two types of passive margin will be produced by continental rupture.

6.   The model predicts that vulnerability factors can only be expected to be revealed amongst women experiencing major difficulties or who have recently experienced a severe event.

7.   The GISS model predicts increases in yields as summers become warmer in temperate regions, while the Met Office model predicts declining harvests in North America in particular.

8.   Among other things, their model predicts that sonoluminescent flashes caused by shock waves will produce no afterglow.

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model + v. >>共 541
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