analyst predict 69.98   Analysts predicted more violence.
  expert predict 25.41   But change is inevitable, experts predict.
  official predict 22.98   LIPA officials predicted that they would prevail.
  economist predict 18.96   Economists had predicted a decline.
  forecaster predict 15.27   But they will, some forecasters predict.
  observer predict 8.23   Observers predicted the worst.
  poll predict 5.66   The poll predicted a large turnout.
  leader predict 5.13   Leaders predicted a new era of good will.
  report predict 4.94   The report predicts the upswing will continue.
  company predict 4.28   The company had predicted a profit.
  executive predict 4.28   But executives predict these will pay off in the future.
  meteorologist predict 4.15   Meteorologists predicted no rain.
  scientist predict 3.88   Scientists predict the way of doomsday.
  people predict 3.49   Most people were predicting a close race.
  doctor predict 3.23   Doctors can predict.
  trader predict 3.16   Traders also predicted strong losses Tuesday.
  pundit predict 2.96   Pundits predicted a Republican sweep in Congress.
  commentator predict 2.57   Commentators have predicted a low turnout.
  model predict 2.50   Other models predict no effects.
  side predict 2.50   Both sides predicted victory.
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