1.   And it is arguable that the mine closures were a blessing, not the disaster which Susanna Rance seems to suggest.

2.   Gold company executives in Australia said if the gold price failed to bounce back, mine closures were inevitable.

3.   Secondly, mine closures will reduce the supply, boosting the price of gold, he said.

4.   The threat of any future mine closures would come from a declining gold price, he said.

5.   To Morgan, the mine closure is just a relief.

6.   Government officials tired to separate the gold price issue from the mine closure and said ERPM was not performing.

7.   A shortage of lead concentrates resulting from mine closures as well as from enforced cutbacks in zinc mine production is also starting to bite, dealers said.

8.   The strike was called to press demands for payment of back salaries and for talks on mine closures.

n. + closure >>共 147
plant 9.18%
security 9.02%
border 9.02%
road 6.56%
bank 4.10%
pit 3.44%
factory 3.28%
blanket 3.11%
branch 2.62%
hospital 2.46%
mine 1.31%
mine + n. >>共 267
field 9.68%
explosion 8.52%
blast 4.48%
official 3.61%
owner 3.39%
worker 3.39%
shaft 3.32%
operator 2.24%
manager 2.17%
accident 2.17%
closure 0.58%
每页显示:    共 8