1.   They would certainly have thought that such events were unlikely to happen for millennia to come - if at all.

2.   As the millennium comes to a close, their message has penetrated sanctuaries throughout the country, including churches in the Miami Valley.

3.   As the millennium comes to a close, their message has penetrated sanctuaries throughout the country.

4.   Come the millennium, though, things should improve.

5.   The coin markets are being stoked by feverish talk on the Internet of inevitable catastrophe come the millennium.

6.   The millennium came with nary a bug.

7.   The millennium is coming, the millennium is coming.

8.   The millennium is coming.

9.   The streets will be littered with lists like this when the millennium comes, and when the millennium goes they will be swept into heaps and forgotten.

10.   We only thought the millennium had come.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
millennium 0.01%
millennium + v. >>共 87
be 17.08%
approach 10.83%
begin 6.25%
arrive 5.83%
come 4.17%
bring 3.75%
near 3.33%
have 2.92%
hold 2.08%
see 2.08%
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