millennium be 2.70   Millennium was his last.
  millennium approach 1.71   As the millennium approaches, this will only get worse.
  millennium begin 0.99   The millennium is just beginning.
  millennium arrive 0.92   The millennium never arrived in communist Cuba.
  millennium come 0.66   The millennium is coming.
  millennium bring 0.59   What will the new millennium bring?
  millennium near 0.53   But, oh, how TV is the Terminator as the millennium nears.
  millennium have 0.46   Millennium has some nifty new features.
  millennium hold 0.33   No one can say what the next millennium holds for these aged dance halls.
  millennium see 0.33   The millennium would see other great battles, such as Gettysburg and D-Day.
  millennium draw 0.26   And as millennium draws near, Americans are anxious.
  millennium say 0.26   Millennium said last year it identified two disease genes that have been shown to cause obesity in animals.
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