1.   His announcement came after two days of peace talks.

2.   The announcement came as a surprise to most people.

3.   The announcement came from the Department of Health, besieged by a welter of conflicting evidence.

4.   The announcement came minutes before the Market closed.

5.   The announcement came two hours before an extraordinary meeting of Bryant shareholders that had been expected to approve the merger with Beazer.

6.   The dramatic announcement came after a cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

7.   The announcement came as no great surprise.

8.   The announcement came after a meeting at the Home Office.

9.   The announcement came after a three-hour Cabinet meeting in Downing Street.

10.   The announcement came only hours before the Lok Sabha convened for the annual budget session.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
announcement + v. >>共 383
come 30.69%
be 17.71%
say 6.17%
follow 5.40%
end 1.39%
mark 1.34%
give 1.13%
send 1.06%
prompt 1.04%
have 1.02%
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