1.   Security guards man barriers at the Newtownards Road and Massey Avenue entrances to the complex, but they are not armed.

2.   Benson Okuku Bwaku was the guard manning the barrier leading into the underground garage.

3.   Soldiers man barriers and sandbag bunkers at all entrances to Batticaloa, where civilians are stopped and searched.

4.   Soldiers man barriers and sandbag bunkers at all entrances to the town, where civilians are stopped and searched.

5.   Villagers reported no fighting in the area and regular Zairean army units patrolled the roads and manned barriers.

6.   Scattered police manned steel barriers in city center to hold back expected demonstrations.

v. + barrier >>共 231
remove 11.68%
lower 7.31%
erect 6.48%
break 5.09%
reduce 4.98%
eliminate 4.76%
break_down 2.77%
overcome 2.71%
lift 2.71%
dismantle 2.55%
man 0.33%
man + n. >>共 230
checkpoint 18.33%
roadblock 12.50%
barricade 4.03%
post 3.61%
position 2.64%
phone 1.81%
station 1.81%
outpost 1.53%
gate 1.25%
road 1.25%
barrier 0.83%
每页显示:    共 6