man checkpoint 8.69   American and German troops also manned checkpoints.
  man roadblock 5.92   Paramilitary police in camouflage man roadblocks.
  man barricade 1.91   The barricades were manned throughout the night.
  man post 1.71   The posts are being manned by medics and mechanics.
  man position 1.25   Lebanese troops manning position outside went on alert.
  man phone 0.86   A team of volunteers are manning the phones.
  man station 0.86   The station is seldom manned in the evening.
  man outpost 0.72   The officers manning the outpost are not amused.
  man gate 0.59   Cops manned gates to control the crowds.
  man road 0.59   Outside, dozens of nervous soldiers manned road blocks.
  man bank 0.53   Other students have manned phone banks.
  man gun 0.46   The men manning the gun were seen fleeing.
  man middle 0.46   Veterans Buck Williams and Herb Williams would man the middle, too.
  man office 0.46   Now, a single inspector mans the office.
  man barrier 0.39   Benson Okuku Bwaku was the guard manning the barrier leading into the underground garage.
  man tank 0.39   However, on Friday the only troops seen downtown were manning the tanks.
  man desk 0.33   They manned the desk of the city clerk and peopled a phantom orchestra.
  man entrance 0.33   The centre was surrounded by a high fence, with a retired soldier manning the entrance to the center.
  man lookout 0.33   Troops manned rooftop lookouts.
  man mission 0.33   What about another manned space mission toward the moon or even farther out?
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