1.   They man checkpoints on a permanent basis, screening vehicles and their occupants for weapons.

2.   As a full-time driver in these parts, he knew most of the police who man checkpoints in Dagestan.

3.   But others are manning checkpoints and at night clearly aiming to unsettle the Serbian forces.

4.   But she said she understands their feelings of humiliation at the hands of the young Israelis who man the checkpoints.

5.   But the site, whose checkpoints are reportedly manned by Iraqi soldiers and Kurdish guerrillas, stands as evidence that cooperation between the faction and Iraqi forces is continuing.

6.   But, the hottest spot of the day was in the farming village of Zegra in southeastern Kosovo, where the Marines were manning a checkpoint.

7.   Fifteen miles down the road was a checkpoint manned by an armed Pashtun militia who said they were responsible for the safety of their valley.

8.   Gunmen manned checkpoints on the road, which was littered with destroyed vehicles and pocked with bomb craters.

9.   IFOR has finally given mug shots of the most-wanted fugitives to troops manning checkpoints.

10.   In Prizren, armed KLA soldiers manned checkpoints around the city on Monday, tolerated, at least for the moment, by NATO peacekeepers.

v. + checkpoint >>共 140
set_up 25.81%
man 13.79%
pass 4.70%
remove 2.93%
cross 2.30%
attack 2.30%
dismantle 1.99%
have 1.88%
approach 1.78%
erect 1.78%
man + n. >>共 230
checkpoint 18.33%
roadblock 12.50%
barricade 4.03%
post 3.61%
position 2.64%
phone 1.81%
station 1.81%
outpost 1.53%
gate 1.25%
road 1.25%
每页显示:    共 131