1.   At both operations, biopsies from the tumour and non-tumour liver tissue were collected and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen.

2.   In addition, sections of liver tissues from patients without serological markers of hepatitis B virus infection were stained using the identical techniques as negative controls.

3.   Although fat is deposited within the liver tissue, it does not necessarily cause the abdomen to become enlarged or rotund.

4.   Cirrhosis produces scarring of the liver tissue and prevents it from performing its detoxification duties.

5.   Doctors at New York University School of Medicine have grown liver tissue from bone marrow.

6.   The researchers have implanted the engineered liver tissues into mice to see if the endothelial cells can form capillaries.

7.   The team has already managed to implant engineered liver tissues into mice.

8.   The trick worked, and she and Vacanti are now growing liver tissue on intricate models of the organ.

9.   Within a few days, the cells sort themselves and begin organizing into normal-looking patches of liver tissue, crisscrossed by cells forming minute blood vessels.

10.   Petersen said that in new experiments he already has shown that injecting the special marrow cells into rats causes the animals to form new liver tissue.

a. + tissue >>共 430
soft 6.98%
human 5.87%
fetal 5.44%
healthy 3.52%
surrounding 3.09%
new 2.41%
fatty 2.35%
normal 2.22%
dead 1.85%
ovarian 1.67%
liver 0.87%
liver + n. >>共 148
transplant 15.89%
disease 15.38%
cancer 11.89%
failure 11.02%
damage 7.53%
problem 3.74%
function 3.02%
cell 2.61%
enzyme 2.51%
ailment 2.41%
tissue 0.72%
每页显示:    共 14