1.   These are quickly broken down, but it takes the body longer to shed fatty tissue, so weight loss slows down.

2.   When whales eat contaminated prey, organochlorines go first to the digestive system, and are then deposited in fatty tissues.

3.   Women, in particular, can train off too much fatty tissue, and this sometimes leads to menstrual problems.

4.   Lower average body weight and a greater proportion of fatty tissue mean that the effect of alcohol on women is more pronounced than for men.

5.   As the proportion of muscle mass to fatty tissue changes, your ability to control your weight increases because muscle cells burn calories faster than fat.

6.   A vacuumlike machine pulls deeply at dimpled flesh as smooth rollers writhe over thighs and abdomen, pushing around fatty tissue.

7.   About two-thirds of those with the condition are obese, and excessive fatty tissue in the neck is believed to help cause airway obstruction.

8.   Cellulite forms when circulation slows down and body fluids that bathe fatty tissues and fibers are flooded with waste materials.

9.   Dioxin can accumulate in the fatty tissues of some fish, to be eaten by other animals or humans.

10.   Fatty tissue around the neck relaxes during sleep and causes the windpipe to close down, forcing the sufferer to wake up and gasp for breath.

a. + tissue >>共 430
soft 6.98%
human 5.87%
fetal 5.44%
healthy 3.52%
surrounding 3.09%
new 2.41%
fatty 2.35%
normal 2.22%
dead 1.85%
ovarian 1.67%
fatty + n. >>共 86
food 19.83%
deposit 11.73%
tissue 10.61%
fish 5.87%
substance 4.75%
meat 4.19%
plaque 3.35%
diet 3.07%
meal 2.23%
buildup 1.68%
每页显示:    共 38