1.   As I walked down Columbus toward Broadway Sunday night, my life partner and I were draped with Silly String.

2.   A life partner.

3.   But his special joy was Coqui Designs, the flower business he owned with his life partner, George Cuellar.

4.   Her husband, Muhammad Qasim, who belongs to the militant group Jamiat-ul-Mujahadeen, is her life partner in jihad.

5.   However, the frequency dropped sharply for those without life partners.

6.   I view him as a life partner and my soul mate.

7.   In Margaret, he had a life partner who shared his passion for golf.

8.   Life partners as well as business partners, the couple do much of their work on the road, holding workshops for managers and employees.

9.   Like so many others who have found their life partners in Manhattan, the two were eager to celebrate their wedding reception in New York with family and friends.

10.   Losing a spouse, or even a life partner, is as hard on the body as it is on the spirit.

n. + partner >>共 395
coalition 23.47%
business 16.46%
trade 5.08%
merger 4.11%
law 2.77%
dialogue 2.66%
double 2.55%
sex 2.37%
minority 1.80%
peace 1.80%
life 0.67%
life + n. >>共 557
sentence 27.45%
imprisonment 17.27%
insurer 5.47%
support 5.41%
term 5.08%
saving 4.37%
story 4.21%
experience 2.70%
vest 1.56%
ban 1.02%
partner 0.41%
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