coalition partner 57.47   His Green coalition partners are strongly against.
  business partner 40.29   Business partners.
  trade partner 12.44   The nations are major trade partners.
  merger partner 10.07   But you can choose a merger partner.
  law partner 6.78   Gray is a former Gorton law partner.
  dialogue partner 6.52   China is a regular dialogue partner.
  double partner 6.25   His doubles partner?
  sex partner 5.79   -- Brazilians have the most sex partners.
  minority partner 4.41   Deringer is a minority partner in the two teams.
  peace partner 4.41   This is a potential peace partner?
  government partner 3.55   The government partners are promising to stick together.
  joint-venture partner 3.03   His hard-working joint-venture partner gets the same response.
  dance partner 2.96   My dance partners might argue.
  alliance partner 2.90   He and his alliance partners called for the result to be thrown out.
  equity partner 2.83   But my equity partner.
  same-sex partner 2.76   Corporations tend to offer coverage only to same-sex partners.
  investment partner 2.50   His investment partner hosted the Oscars.
  cable partner 2.37   Sprint and its cable partners face stiff competition.
  practice partner 2.17   The women were practice partners before the French Open.
  marriage partner 1.84   ...his choice of marriage partner.
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