1.   The six approved in principle the appointment of China and India as dialogue partners.

2.   It is now a full dialogue partner of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and a member of its Regional Forum.

3.   All the current ARF members are related to Asean one way or another, either as dialogue partners or as observers.

4.   Both Russia and India were admitted as new dialogue partners last year.

5.   But North Korea calls South Korea a U.S. puppet and rejects it as a dialogue partner.

6.   But the North refuses to recognize the pro-Western South as a dialogue partner, calling it a U.S. puppet.

7.   China and some other countries are here as dialogue partners.

8.   China is a regular dialogue partner.

9.   Christopher and the others are attending talks organized by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with so-called dialogue partners.

10.   Current ASEAN dialogue partners include Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the European Union.

n. + partner >>共 395
coalition 23.47%
business 16.46%
trade 5.08%
merger 4.11%
law 2.77%
dialogue 2.66%
double 2.55%
sex 2.37%
minority 1.80%
peace 1.80%
dialogue + n. >>共 71
partner 33.56%
box 17.63%
session 7.46%
process 4.41%
going 2.37%
table 2.37%
scene 2.03%
coach 1.69%
forum 1.36%
change 1.02%
每页显示:    共 98