1.   Electronic gadgets that will let people order food and drinks from their seats.

2.   Mr France ends his letter by saying Mr Milburn should cut out the denigration and let the people of Darlington progress in prosperity.

3.   Anticipating criticism, Breaux would let people wishing to stay in traditional Medicare do so.

4.   As Hootie played on, fire marshals showed up and refused to let people back into the building until the throng thinned out.

5.   -- A Location Efficient Mortgage program lets people who ride public transit to work qualify for a loan with less income than people who drive.

6.   All those ringing phrases from conservatives about the joys of letting people invest their own money suddenly sounded terrifyingly discordant after the recent stock market gyrations.

7.   Buddhist groups in the hill towns generally go their own way, Dvore observes, respecting their differences and letting people come to them rather than proselytizing.

8.   Do we let people known about it?

9.   Devices for the disabled included sophisticated eye-tracking devices that let paralyzed people pick commands from computer menus just by looking at them.

10.   Early this year, the Indonesian government offered to let the people in East Timor vote on independence.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
let 0.09%
let + n. >>共 750
people 2.50%
rest 2.32%
air 2.20%
child 1.53%
company 1.10%
slide 0.98%
user 0.92%
reporter 0.92%
inspector 0.85%
cat 0.85%
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